美国技术服务合同中英文模板-仅供参考中文版: 《美国技术服务合同》 目录:**条 服务项目 第二条 酬金和费用 第三条 保密条款 第四条 协议有效期间和协议终止 第五条 宣传和公布 第六条 独立承包商 第七条 不可抗力 第八条 专利权,工作成果权利和商业秘密 第九条 责任、保证和补偿条款 第十条 检查 第十一条 通知与支付款项 第十二条 仲裁和适用法律 第十三条 效力持续 第十四条 条款的效力和可分割性 第十五条 杂项 甲方(雇主)乙方(技术服务提供商) **条 服务项目1.1 甲方特此聘请乙方提供附件 A 和 B 中列出的服务(这些附件构成本协议不可分割的一部分,以下简称“服务项目”)。 1.2 乙方在此接受本协议项下的义务,并根据以下规定的条款和条件同意提供服务项目。 1.3 若双方在未来就额外服务项目达成书面同意,并以附件形式将其纳入本协议,乙方应提供该额外服务。若甲方欲变更服务范围或增加新服务,应通知乙方并提供详细内容。乙方收到后应迅速提供成本预估。所有工作受本协议及双方随时签署的补充协议和附件约束。若有冲突,以本协议条款为准。 1.4 乙方提供所有服务及报告结果应遵守适用的联邦、州和地方法律法规。 1.5 应甲方要求,乙方应提供由相关鉴定机构出具的合格证明书,且在协议有效期内保持有效。 第二条 酬金和费用2.1 甲方应向乙方支付附件 B 中规定的酬金,乙方同意接受。甲方支付的酬金总额不得超过特定金额,除非另有书面约定,该金额为协议有效期内乙方服务的最高酬金,合理差旅费另计。差旅时间不补偿。 2.2 甲方收到乙方的收据复印件或其他开支证明后,应补偿乙方按甲方要求提供服务产生的合理差旅费。 2.3 乙方的联邦身份证号码或社会保险号如附件 B 所示。双方同意乙方负责纳税,甲方按税法规定申报向乙方支付的款项。 第三条 保密条款3.1 对于乙方因本协议从甲方获取的所有信息,包括但不限于双方业务关系信息及合作期间开发的信息(统称“保密信息”),乙方同意在五年内仅为本协议目的使用,不向第三方披露,仅提供给有保密协议的员工或代理人。但以下情况除外:乙方事先已知的信息;公众已知的信息;合法从有权披露的第三方获取的信息;双方同意解除保密状态的信息;法律要求披露且乙方提前通知甲方以便其反对或限制披露的信息。 3.2 本条款及各方保密义务在协议终止或届满及乙方完成服务后仍有效。 第四条 协议有效期间和协议终止4.1 本协议自上述日期生效,至服务完成或根据后续附件规定终止(以较迟者为准)。 4.2 若一方违约且在收到通知后三十日内未补救,另一方有权终止协议。甲方也可随时终止协议(乙方违约除外),但应提前三十日书面通知。乙方收到终止通知后应停止服务,除非甲方另有要求。乙方在第三条、第八条和第十二条项下的义务在协议终止后仍然有效。 4.3 服务产生的所有数据和其他信息归甲方所有,由甲方**使用。 4.4 协议终止后,应甲方要求,乙方应立即交付或销毁与服务相关的所有数据和资料,甲方应归还或销毁与服务无关且含有乙方保密信息的数据和资料。 第五条 宣传和公布5.1 除非甲方书面同意,乙方不得披露甲方聘请其提供专业服务。 5.2 法律要求披露的情况除外。 5.3 乙方不得以任何形式向第三方公布成果或报告,不得将其用于索赔、法律程序、广告等活动。 第六条 独立承包商6.1 乙方应以独立承包商身份履行服务,双方关系不得被解释为其他形式。乙方及其员工和代理人不得被视为甲方的员工或代理人。本协议不构成合资企业等商业组织。 第七条 不可抗力7.1 若因火灾、罢工、战争等不可抗力原因导致一方无法履行或迟延履行本协议,该方不承担责任,但应采取合理措施尽快恢复履行。若不可抗力持续四十五日,非受影响方有权在提前十五日书面通知后终止协议。 第八条 专利权,工作成果权利和商业秘密8.1 乙方将与服务相关的发明、发现或改进的所有权利授予甲方,应保存相关记录并向甲方提供完整信息,采取措施保护甲方利益。对于甲方的专利申请,乙方应签署相关文件。乙方承认甲方有**专利申请权,并保证不阻碍甲方申请专利或使用服务成果。 8.2 服务产生的所有资料均为出租性质,应报告给甲方并成为甲方财产。 8.3 双方同意乙方不得披露或使用第三方商业秘密为甲方牟利。 8.4 乙方与员工等的协议应包含实施本协议第八条和第三条的条款。 8.5 尽管有上述规定,乙方对用于服务的计算方法、软件程序等仍拥有所有权。 8.6 若甲方公布乙方的分析结果,未经乙方书面同意不得使用乙方的名称、标识或商标。 第九条 责任、保证和补偿条款9.1 若乙方在服务中有疏忽或不当行为导致甲方产生实际直接费用,乙方应补偿,但甲方应提供证据。乙方不承担特殊或间接损失。 9.2 乙方应尽力挑选分包商,甲方有权批准。若甲方不满意,有权要求更换。 9.3 乙方保证服务符合专业标准、无缺陷、不侵犯第三方权利、有权提供服务、遵守法律法规、甲方获得完整所有权。 9.4 若乙方违反保证或实质性违反协议,应赔偿甲方及其子公司等因第三方索赔产生的所有费用。甲方有权参与抗辩,未经甲方同意乙方不得和解索赔诉讼。 第十条 检查10.1 乙方应在合理通知下允许甲方及其代表进入其场所检查,以确保符合协议规定。若有问题,乙方应立即采取纠正措施。 第十一条 通知与支付款项11.1 支票应支付给特定对象并送至指定地点。 11.2 通知应以书面形式,在专人递送、隔日送达、挂号邮件等情况下视为已交付,通知应送至双方指定地址或按最新书面通知的地址为准。 第十二条 仲裁和适用法律12.1 双方同意若协议产生的争议无法协商解决,应提交 JAMS 仲裁,仲裁地为加利福尼亚州橙县,适用加利福尼亚州法律。双方应合作选择仲裁员并参与仲裁,任何有管辖权的法院可执行本条款,寻求执行的一方有权获得费用赔偿。 12.2 本协议受加利福尼亚州法律管辖,不适用冲突法原则。 第十三条 效力持续13.1 本协议第三条、第八条和第十二条的条款在协议终止或届满后仍有效。 第十四条 条款的效力和可分割性14.1 若协议条款在某一管辖区域无效,应视为已修改以符合当地法律或无效,不影响其他区域的效力及协议其他条款的效力。 第十五条 杂项15.1 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得转让本协议,但甲方可转让给关联公司等。15.2 本协议构成双方完整约定,取代之前的协议。变更需书面签署,乙方的一般条款不适用于双方交易。15.3 本协议一式两份,均视为正本。15.4 本协议为基本协议,条款适用于双方约定的附件。 **英文版**:《American Technical Service Contract》 Table of Contents: Section 1 Service ItemsSection 2 Compensation and Expenses Section 3 Confidentiality Section 4 Term and Termination Section 5 Publicity and Publication Section 6 Independent Contractor Section 7 Force Majeure Section 8 Patents, Rights in Work Product and Trade Secrets Section 9 Liability, Warranty and Indemnification Section 10 Audits Section 11 Communications and Payments Section 12 Arbitration and Applicable Law Section 13 Survival Section 14 Validity of Provisions and Severability Section 15 Miscellaneous Party A (Employer)Party B (Provider of Service) Section 1 Service Items1.1 Party A hereby engages Party B to provide the services outlined in Exhibits A and B, which are incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "service items").1.2 Party B hereby accepts the obligations under this Agreement and agrees to provide the service items in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.1.3 If the parties agree in writing on additional service items in the future and list them in an annex and incorporate it into this Agreement, Party B shall provide such additional services. If Party A intends to change the scope of services or add new services not initially covered by this Agreement or not listed in an annex, Party A shall notify Party B and provide detailed content. After receiving it, Party B shall promptly provide a cost estimate. All work shall be governed by this Agreement and the supplementary agreements and annexes signed by the parties from time to time. In case of conflict, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.1.4 Party B shall conduct all services and report the results in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.1.5 At the request of Party A, Party B shall provide a certificate of accreditation issued by the relevant accrediting body. The certificate shall remain valid during the term of this Agreement. Section 2 Compensation and Expenses2.1 Party A shall pay Party B the compensation specified in Exhibit B for the services provided under this Agreement, and Party B agrees to accept it. The total compensation paid by Party A shall not exceed a specific amount. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this amount is the maximum compensation for Party B's services during the term of this Agreement, excluding reasonable travel expenses as specified in subsection 2.2. Travel time is not compensable.2.2 After receiving copies of receipts or other expense proofs from Party B, Party A shall reimburse Party B for reasonable travel expenses (economy class airfare, ground transportation, lodging and meals) incurred at the request of Party A in providing services under this Agreement.2.3 Party B's federal ID number or social security number is as shown in Exhibit B. The parties agree that Party B is responsible for paying taxes. Party A shall report payments made to Party B in accordance with applicable federal, state and local tax laws and regulations. Section 3 Confidentiality3.1 For all information acquired by Party B from Party A due to this Agreement or from performing the services hereunder, including but not limited to information related to the business relationship between the parties and information developed during cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "confidential information"), Party B agrees that it will use such information only for the purposes of this Agreement and will not disclose it to any third party except to its employees or agents who have signed confidentiality agreements. However, the following cases are excluded: information known to Party B prior to receipt from Party A; publicly known information; information legally obtained from third parties with the right to disclose; information released from confidentiality status by mutual agreement; and information required to be disclosed by law and Party B has notified Party A in advance so that Party A can object or limit the disclosure.3.2 The provisions of this section and the obligations of the parties hereunder shall remain in effect after the termination or expiration of this Agreement and the completion of Party B's services. Section 4 Term and Termination4.1 This Agreement shall take effect from the date shown above and remain in full force and effect until the completion of the services provided herein or in accordance with any subsequent annex (whichever is later).4.2 If either party breaches any term or condition of this Agreement and fails to remedy it within thirty days after receiving notice, the other party may terminate this Agreement by sending written notice. In addition, Party A may terminate this Agreement at any time (except for Party B's breach) by giving written notice thirty days in advance. Upon receiving the termination notice, Party B shall stop providing services unless otherwise requested by Party A. Party B's obligations under Sections 3, 8 and 12 shall remain in effect after the termination of this Agreement.4.3 All data and other information resulting from the services shall be the sole property of Party A and be exclusively used by Party A for commercial or other purposes.4.4 After the termination of this Agreement or the services for any reason, at the request of Party A, Party B shall immediately deliver or destroy all data and materials related to the services, and Party A shall return or destroy data and materials containing Party B's confidential information that are unrelated to the services. Section 5 Publicity and Publication5.1 Party B may not disclose that Party A has engaged Party B for professional services unless Party A specifically agrees in writing.5.2 Except when required by law.5.3 Party B shall not disclose the results or reports to third parties in any form or use them for claims, legal proceedings, advertising and other activities. Section 6 Independent Contractor6.1 Party B shall perform the services as an independent contractor. The relationship between the parties shall not be construed as any other form. Party B and its employees and agents shall not be considered employees or agents of Party A. This Agreement does not constitute a joint venture or other business organization. Section 7 Force Majeure7.1 If a party is unable to perform or delays in performing this Agreement due to force majeure such as fire, strike, war, etc., the party shall not be liable. However, the party shall take reasonable measures to resume performance as soon as possible. If the force majeure lasts for forty-five days, the non-affected party may terminate this Agreement after giving fifteen days' written notice. Section 8 Patents, Rights in Work Product and Trade Secrets8.1 Party B hereby grants all rights in inventions, discoveries or improvements related to the services provided hereunder to Party A. Party B shall keep relevant records and provide complete information to Party A and take measures to protect Party A's interests. For Party A's patent applications, Party B shall sign relevant documents. Party B acknowledges that Party A has the exclusive right to file patent applications and guarantees not to prevent Party A from applying for patents or using the service results.8.2 All materials resulting from the services are for lease and shall be reported to Party A and become Party A's property.8.3 The parties agree that Party B shall not disclose or use the trade secrets of a third party for Party A's benefit.8.4 Party B's agreements with its employees and agents shall contain provisions to implement Sections 8 and 3 of this Agreement.8.5 Despite the above, Party B retains ownership of calculation methods, software programs, etc. used in the services.8.6 If Party A publishes Party B's analysis results, Party A may not use Party B's name, logo or trademark without Party B's prior written consent. Section 9 Liability, Warranty and Indemnification9.1 If Party B's negligence or willful misconduct in providing services causes actual and direct expenses to Party A, Party B shall reimburse, provided that Party A provides evidence. Party B shall not be liable for special or consequential damages.9.2 Party B shall make every effort to select subcontractors and Party A has the right to approve. If Party A is not satisfied with a subcontractor, Party A has the right to request a replacement.9.3 Party B represents, warrants and covenants that the services shall meet professional standards, be free from defects, not infringe third-party rights, have the right to provide services, comply with laws and regulations, and Party A shall obtain full ownership.9.4 If Party B breaches the warranty or materially breaches this Agreement, Party B shall indemnify Party A and its subsidiaries for all costs resulting from third-party claims. Party A has the right to participate in the defense and Party B may not settle claims without Party A's consent. Section 10 Audits10.1 Upon reasonable notice, Party B shall allow Party A and its representatives to access its premises and records for inspection to ensure compliance with this Agreement. If there are problems, Party B shall take corrective measures immediately. Section 11 Communications and Payments11.1 Checks shall be made payable to and sent to a specific person and address.11.2 Notices shall be in writing and deemed delivered in the case of personal delivery, overnight delivery, registered mail, etc. Notices shall be sent to the addresses specified by the parties or as notified in writing. Section 12 Arbitration and Applicable Law12.1 The parties agree that if disputes cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, they shall be submitted to JAMS for arbitration. The place of arbitration is Orange County, California, and California law applies. The parties shall cooperate in selecting an arbitrator and participating in the arbitration. Any court with jurisdiction may enforce this provision and the party seeking enforcement is entitled to cost reimbursement.12.2 This Agreement is governed by California law without regard to conflict of laws principles. Section 13 Survival13.1 The provisions of Sections 3, 8 and 12 shall remain in effect after the termination or expiration of this Agreement. Section 14 Validity of Provisions and Severability14.1 If a provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable in a jurisdiction, it shall be deemed amended to conform to local law or stricken. The validity of other provisions and in other jurisdictions shall not be affected. Section 15 Miscellaneous15.1 Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, except that Party A may assign to its affiliates, subsidiaries or successors.15.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes previous agreements. Changes require written signatures. Party B's general terms do not apply to transactions between the parties.15.3 This Agreement is executed in two counterparts, each of which is deemed an original.15.4 This Agreement is a basic agreement and its terms apply to annexes agreed by the parties. |