Shenzhen Transfluent Consulting  Co,.Ltd





the ability to lead, respond, mobilize, and to execute orders

2.国家疫苗储备制度 national vaccine reserve system

3.科学战“疫” science-based approach in fighting the epidemic

4.疫情防控预警预测机制 early warning and forecasting mechanism for epidemic prevention and control

5.调整应急响应等级to adjust the emergency response level

6.拓宽就地就近就业渠道 to create more jobs locally

7.国家生物安全风险防控和治理体系建设to develop a national biosecurity risk control and management system

8.深化疫情防控国际合作 deeper international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control/containment measures

9.两年户口和档案托管 two-year custodian service for household registration and personal files

10.生物安全法 biosecurity law   

11.援企、稳岗、扩就业 to assist businesses, stabilize employment, and create more jobs     

12.优先吸纳贫困劳动力务工就业 to prioritize the employment of poor migrant workers       

13.减免企业社会保险费 reduction of and exemption from corporate social insurance premiums   

14.社保延缴 (to allow) deferred social security contributions

15.优惠帮扶举措 preferential support measures     

16.社保制度 social insurance system; social security system

17.发挥医疗救助资金的兜底保障作用to make full use of the medical assistance fund to ensure that medical bills (of COVID-19 patients) are paid promptly

18.做好工伤认定和待遇保障(to streamline/implement procedures) to identify and facilitate compensation for work-related infections  


19.安全距离 safe distance  

20.过滤性能 filtering performance

21.口罩产能 mask output   

22.口罩预约 mask reservation and purchase

23.防雾霾口罩 anti-smog mask  

24.无人机 drone   

25.消毒机器人 disinfecting robot

26.抗菌洗手液 antibiotic hand sanitizer  

27.含酒精的消毒液 alcohol-based disinfectant     

28.紧急救治 emergency treatment

29.入户检测 door-to-door testing  

30.严控境外疫情输入 strict control of imported infection     

31.暂时隔离区域 area for temporary quarantine

32.加强病毒溯源和传播机理研究 to strengthen research on the traceability and transmission mechanism of the virus

33.分享病毒基因序列 to share the genetic sequence of the virus  

34.注意下水道的通畅 to ensure that sewers are not clogged

35.外科处置 surgical treatment   

36.修订诊断标准 revision of diagnostic criteria     

37.应治尽治 All confirmed patients should be treated.

38.应收尽收All suspected and confirmed patients should be admitted to the hospital.

39.医疗垃圾处理 medical waste disposal

40.分区严格隔离 strict quarantine

41.污染集中处理 centralized treatment of medical waste

42.心理疏导 psychological counseling


译畅——译满天下 畅通无阻         
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